Ortho-Bionomy® (OB) is a highly effective system of bodywork that is principle based and follows a simple and profound philosophy: When reminded, the body knows how correct itself. Dr. Arthur Lincoln Pauls, DO, discovered how to gently stimulate the reflexes for self-correction in a way that supports the person’s own healing mechanisms. Engaging the natural laws of life to find the optimal balance that is unique to each individual.
Ortho-Bionomy® is effective in assisting with recovery from injuries, surgery and stress. Function, structural alignment, balance and overall well-being improve through this dynamic work. Often times this work helps on an emotional, mental and physical level as well.
Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.
A powerful and dynamic form of body work.

Shelly George Langille
Registered Ortho-Bionomy® Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Catalyft Coach
For over 3 decades Shelly has combined the art of bodywork and soulful coaching to guide people in finding their authentic self. Over the years she has developed a strong intuition and inner awareness of the human body and deeply respects the intelligence of each individual. She bases her work on how the mind, body and spirit are intricately connected and directly linked to the heart. With Shelly’s guidance, her clients have deepened their understanding of their individual uniqueness. This understanding becomes the foundation of breaking old patterns. One of Shelly’s greatest gifts is to inspire clients in finding brilliant solutions and then support them in creating a life of deeper meaning.

How it Works
Based on osteopathic principles, the focus of Ortho-Bionomy® sessions are to facilitate the body’s natural self-healing and self-regulating responses. The Practitioner works with the body from a listening perspective. To elicit these responses, the Practitioner takes care to support the comfort and ease of movement within the client by gently exaggerating the structural imbalances to stimulate the body’s self-regulating mechanisms. This work is very safe, even for those people who are highly sensitive or have limitations due to age, illness, or pain.
Learn More
Ortho-Bionomy® sessions are fully clothed and the practitioner usually works with the client on a bodywork table, and occasionally with the client seated or standing. After a thorough intake interview both the practitioner and client work together to assess and support the self-correcting patterns related specifically to the issues or conditions that the client is experiencing.
The techniques used range from the purely physical and structural to the purely energetic. This allows the practitioner to employ techniques which are appropriate for each client and each condition. Some of these techniques include:
- Positional release
- Range-of-motion exploration
- Isometric and isotonic techniques
- Gentle rocking
- Static holding
- Subtle or minute movements
- Postural re-education
- Work in the energy field of the body
- Cranial and visceral balancing
- Neurolymphatic balancing
- Neuroendocrine balancing
At the end of the session the practitioner may identify self-care exercises for the client to do after and between sessions to continue the releases and to retrain the body in its new patterns. Clients are encouraged to receive two to four sessions initially after which an on-going program of self-care and/or additional individual sessions can be developed.
A powerful and dynamic form of body work.